Vuelandia, regular sponsor of Fonds Gehandicaptensport

Anyone who plays sports knows how good you feel when you step out of the shower refreshed and full of new energy. Exercise is good for you in every way. Your body is grateful to you both internally and externally, and you radiate that. It gives you even more security and strength physically and keeps you mentally strong and balanced. Sports also promote team spirit, good cooperation and togetherness. It will be clear by now: we consider sports an indispensable part of our lives. Ever since we were young, soccer has been one of our great passions, but really, we are pretty much “everything eaters” when it comes to sports. For us it is very natural to jump on our bikes and head to the field to play a game of soccer. But for many, that is not so easy.

To make it possible for them, special measures must be taken: Projects such as (S)Cool on Wheelswhich playfully provides information about disabled sports to elementary school students, thereby positively influencing the perception of these kids; or the Wheels2Sport project that provides sports equipment so that different sports can be tried out; but also the amazing G-Toppers project, which offers a complete package to anyone with a disability who would like to walk the Nijmegen Four Days Marches, but cannot do so without the necessary guidance. In addition, they support the activities of Special Olympics Netherlands, Gehandicaptensport Nederland and SailWise and many local initiatives.